When we think of our environment, we may think about the air we breathe, the water we drink, or the soil that nourishes our food. We survive by either consuming resources from our natural environment or by consuming the animals that eat from our natural resources. Ahh, the circle of life! In this way, we […]
Author: Linda Christine
Proteins are the basic building blocks of the body. They are essential for the creation and maintenance of every cell in your body. Proteins break down much slower than carbs to use for energy. For this reason, athletes lean toward carbs for quick energy. Carbs will get us through a long workout, a game, or […]
Nerd Alert!! Benoit Mandelbrot was a brilliant mathematician that could SEE math. We can all see numbers, you say? Well yes, but Mandelbrot’s visualization of math immeasurably contributed to science on a deep level. You see, math tells a story. It explains the why, such as – if we had this, then that would happen. […]
Methods to Madness
If randomness is a lack of order, patterns, or predictability, then chaos is its organized fraternal twin. They are similar in that they are both unpredictable, but different in that chaos possesses underlying patterns and order. What intrigues me about the Chaos theory is that although it appears to behave unpredictably, its systemic pattern is […]
Move Mountains
routines I get it, nobody likes routines. It goes totally against being free, chill, spontaneous…and everything else fun. But when it comes to our health, routines are an important key to self-maintenance. Even though we may not like routines, we have them anyway. Our daily routine becomes a habit. A habit is something we do […]
It will take 2 weeks of consistency to reap the rewards from a new health/fitness routine. Stay the course. No days off, and we will notice a physical change. Worked all day and tired? – so what. Don’t have time? – make time. Don’t like exercise? Crank up your fav tunes and Just move! After […]
Just Move!
Where do we start when we want to lose weight or revive our existing health/fitness program? Move! Just move. Movement is the catalyst for energy flow. For example, before I can change my diet, create a new workout plan or just implement a new routine in general, I go for a run. Running is my […]
Mojo no mo?!
It works! “Put your attention on a new intention; Where focus goes, energy flows; If you water the bad seeds, you’ll get weeds!” It can be said in many ways…but it all has the same meaning. To be focused, you have to stay in the present moment. Practice laser-like focus on the task at hand […]
Consciousness is the foundation by which optimal health is cultivated. We do not exist without consciousness. It is the invisible essence of our being. It is in us and surrounds us. It is everywhere. There is nowhere it is not. It is at the heart of realizing our potential, as our potential is governed by consciousness. […]
The principle of Yin and Yang shows us how opposite forces work together to create balance. Yang (white) is strong and masculine. Yin (black) is soft and feminine. Yang is warm, light, and active, while Yin is cold, dark, slow and so on. This is the epitome of dualism, however neither can be dominant or […]