
Methods to Madness

Chaos Theory: the language of (in)stability - YouTube
The Butterfly Effect – small, simple changes can have a major effect on complex systems.

If randomness is a lack of order, patterns, or predictability, then chaos is its organized fraternal twin. They are similar in that they are both unpredictable, but different in that chaos possesses underlying patterns and order.

What intrigues me about the Chaos theory is that although it appears to behave unpredictably, its systemic pattern is based on interconnectedness, constant feedback loops, fractals, and self-organization. This model gives rise to the meaning, ”There’s a method to my madness!” It seems crazy and random, but unpredictable behavior is governed by deterministic laws, such as the laws of nature.

The chaos theory = deterministic chaos = the Butterfly Effect, does not mean that a butterfly flapping it’s wings in Brazil, will cause a tornado in Texas. However, it does mean that a small change (variable) can make a big difference to the result (math equation). This branch of mathematics has been helpful to astronomy, meteorology, biology, medicine, and social sciences such as politics, business, and economics. Some everyday examples of orderly chaos are the weather, the stock market, and my favorite – the human biological systems – in particular, the cardiovascular system. It has led to a better understanding of heart disease in which new remedies have been discovered.

My point to sharing this fascinating phenomena – chaos is natural and there IS a method to madness. I refer to this disruptive pattern that feels chaotic as the ‘Wind of Change’. Think of it as a subtle nudge that puts you on the path in the direction you are ‘suppose’ to go.

~ Routines – Move Mountains

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