~ Grit & Grace
There are several ways to naturally reduce stress levels. My top three practices to alleviate stress can be applied anywhere, but I use these mostly in the workplace. They are quick, do-able, and help me maintain my happy space.
At the top of my list is to practice awareness. Slow down, take a deep, complete breath and take notice. Pay attention to what is causing stress and react differently….break that state. Whether it’s removing yourself from a conversation or just the presence of others….. let it go.

Even if you are washing dishes or driving a car…..be there! Bring your mind back to the task at hand.
Exercise would be at the top of my list, but we really have to learn to discipline our mind first. Awareness is the key to a successful exercise program.
Movement should be your number one priority for health and wellness – at least 20 min./3x daily.
Unplug and take short breaks throughout the day. Walk away from your desk periodically. Go outside, be in nature and just walk and observe. Our body is designed for nature, not to be glued to technology all day.
Eat a Clean Diet / Intuitive Eating

- Avoid a diet high in sugar, salt, and caffeine which can narrow your blood vessels.
- Supplements – Vit. D & K-2, Omega-3’s, CoQ10, Tocotrienols
Do not do anything else while you eat. Do not read, surf social media, talk on the phone, drive your car, work…. in other words, no distractions. Practice conscious eating.
- Biofeedback therapy, breathing techniques, yoga, meditation
- Essential Oils – Lavender and Peppermint